Welcome to a collection of truisms and quotes which offer tips and insights into everyday life. These sayings survived the test of time because they work. Read them, try them, use them, and keep them for when you need them later on.
14 Truisms To Become a Self-Confident Man
Hints from a self-assured man with humility and a sense of humor
14 Truisms To Become a Self-Confident Woman
Hints from a self-assured woman who has a sharp sense of humor
20 Truism Examples From Inuit Culture
Distilled knowledge from a culture forged by the Artic Climate
20 Truisms from Japan for Your Peace of Mind
Ageless tips that have worked for people for thousands of years
20 Timeless Truisms From Lithuanian Culture
Truisms that have withstood the test of time, with explanations
20 Truism Examples From Lithuanian Culture
Lessons from a country in the contentious crossroads of Northern Europe
20 Truism Examples From Welsh Culture
Lessons learned from invasions, occupations, and challenges to identity.
Life Explained By 130 Truisms
Slice through the noise for essential insights in seconds
Self-Esteem With 17 Undeniable Truisms
17 truisms to gain unshakable belief in yourself
16 Humorous Truisms Which Make You Smile
Humorous truisms to help you stay sane in an insane world
10 Funny Truisms By Beauty Pageant Contestants
How winners and runner-ups view beauty beauty pageants
20 Truisms For Students To Achieve Their Dreams
20 ways for students to reach academic mastery and have successful careers
626 Life Truisms
“A man only chases a girl until she catches him,” and 625 more truisms
100 Truisms Sorted For Your Convenience
Wasting time searching? 100 truisms sorted into 10 categories