Tag: advice
18 Real Estate Ad Descriptions You Can Use Like a Pro
Finally explanations of the hidden language of real estate ads, with real-life examples. Memorize this list of terms used for homes and properties that need serious upgrades to make them livable. Sophisticated city living means: Next to a noisy bar Old World Charm means: Has some woodwork and needs cleaning Contemporary Feeling means: Has no…
11 Silly Blunders By Bank Robbers You Won’t Believe Really Happened
According to the FBI, most modern-day bank robberies are “unsophisticated and unprofessional crimes,” committed by young male repeat offenders who apparently don’t know the first thing about their business. The following list of moronic moves was part of an amusing article titled “How Not to Rob a Bank,” by Tim Clark. Clark reported that despite the widespread…
10 Funny Dog Property Laws Written By a Dog
These are the formerly unwritten laws given by a dog to his (or her) master. Maybe some humans will find the dog property laws funny, but dogs by their very nature think in the following order: If I like it, it’s mine. If it’s in my mouth, it’s mine. If I can take it from…
20 Life Lessons That Will Make You Laugh, Roll Your Eyes, Maybe a Mic Drop
Life’s Lessons To Share God grant me the Senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to find the ones I do like, and the eyesight to tell the difference between them. Now that I am older, here’s what I have to share with you:
18 Differences Between Martha Stewart and Me
Martha’s way #1Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips.My way:Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone, for Pete’s sake. You are probably lying on the couch with your feet up eating it anyway. Martha’s way #2Use a meat baster to “squeeze”…
Unbelievable Rules US Troops Received After Returning From Combat Duty For Return To The Civilian Lifestyle
Maybe the return from military duty wasn’t that easy for every soldier in World War 2. The War Department actually wrote a guide on how to behave at home on American soil. Soldiers who spent years overseas protecting our freedom may have developed some habits not suited for civilian life. The Armed Forces had a…