Category: Lists

  • Funny  Ways Clueless Men Treat 17 Ordinary Items In the Refrigerator

    Funny Ways Clueless Men Treat 17 Ordinary Items In the Refrigerator

    Clueless Men: Here it is, the secret list used by bachelors worldwide, for what to do with the food in your refrigerator before your girlfriend opens it. Because you don’t have a wife who can recognize on sight (and sometimes before) when your month-old Big Mac has become one with the special and now toxic…

  • 10 Funny Signs Of Online Addiction That Will Have You Nodding in Agreement

    10 Funny Signs Of Online Addiction That Will Have You Nodding in Agreement

    Cannot get enough of being online? Online addiction is a growing phenomenon, whether from home or away. Starting from the early days of the internet to the social media frenzy now sweeping the globe, online addiction has some common traits. See if you find yourself doing some of the following things: Your opening line is:…

  • 10 Funny Dog Property Laws Written By a Dog

    10 Funny Dog Property Laws Written By a Dog

    These are the formerly unwritten laws given by a dog to his (or her) master. Maybe some humans will find the dog property laws funny, but dogs by their very nature think in the following order: If I like it, it’s mine. If it’s in my mouth, it’s mine. If I can take it from…

  • Bring the Romance Back in Love

    Bring the Romance Back in Love

    Kissing is an art form, a language of love that speaks volumes without uttering a single word. It’s an intimate dance between two souls, a way to express feelings of love, desire, and affection. But even in the world of kisses, room exists for creativity and exploration. Moving beyond the ordinary, kissing in imaginative ways…

  • How the Ultimate Dating Agreement Should Look in Today’s World of Social Media

    How the Ultimate Dating Agreement Should Look in Today’s World of Social Media

    Dating Agreement Guide Before you agree to a relationship, have your partner agree to the terms of this dating agreement. The party of the first part (herein referred to as “she”), being of sound mind and pretty good body, agrees to the following with the party of the second part (herein referred to as “him”):…

  • 52 Funny One-Line Jokes That Make You Laugh

    52 Funny One-Line Jokes That Make You Laugh

    Laughter is truly the best medicine, and we’ve got a prescription that’s sure to make your day brighter. Get ready to chuckle, grin, and maybe even enjoy a belly laugh with our collection of 52 side-splitting one-liners. From clever quips to witty observations, these jokes are like a burst of sunshine for your funny bone.…