Category: Truisms

  • 14 Truisms To Become a Self-Confident Man

    14 Truisms To Become a Self-Confident Man

    Ladies, do you know how men want you to behave? How life would be if men made all the rules.

  • 14 Truisms To Become a Self-Confident Women

    14 Truisms To Become a Self-Confident Women

    Become a self-confident, assured woman. Read 14 insightful truisms for dealing with daily life without stress or anxiety. Whether they’re in the form of a corny joke or small-town gossip, each truism carries the message carries the message that you’re important. InsanityMy only means of relaxation. Reason to smileEvery 7 minutes of every day, someone…

  • 20 Truism Examples From Inuit Culture

    20 Truism Examples From Inuit Culture

    Inuit culture has a rich tradition of wisdom passed down through generations, often in the form of proverbs or sayings that reflect the collective knowledge and values of their communities. While it’s important to remember that cultural expressions can vary among different Inuit communities, here are some sayings that are often cited: These sayings offer…

  • 100 Truisms Sorted For Your Convenience

    100 Truisms Sorted For Your Convenience

    Need an inspirational thought for today, but feel confused? Below are 100 truism examples sorted into 10 categories to choose from. Love Work Politics Women Men Kids Life Vacations Health Fashion

  • Life Explained By 130 Truisms

    Life Explained By 130 Truisms

    Truisms: Perfect platitudes for these ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) times of Iphone overload. They empower and slice through the noise to deliver essential insights to you in seconds. No need for lengthy explanations anymore, simply enjoy and share these enduring sayings as you read them.

  • 10 Funny Truisms By Beauty Pageant Contestants

    10 Funny Truisms By Beauty Pageant Contestants

    Truisms are statements or phrases that are so self-evident or obviously true that they hardly need to be said. While they often offer no new information or insight, they serve as basic principles or starting points for more complex discussions and arguments. “Obviously true” part depends on who you ask. 10 Truisms from Beauty Pageant…