Tag: teenagers

  • Concept of Infinity With A Twist

    Blame the teacher, not the student. Student gives a surprising answer to a math quiz.

  • Unwritten ways to thrive in college

    Unwritten ways to thrive in college Depends on how you define “thrive” Minimize food budget by scheduling classes around Happy Hour. Enjoy being a sophomore: it will be the best three years of your life. Lemon juice and baking soda make an excellent bong water stain remover. Earn extra cash by parlaying chemistry knowledge into…

  • Change Grade Request Form

    Comprehensive cheat sheet of change grade request from a  student to a teacher. To: Professor____________________ From: __________________ I think my grade in your course, ___________________, should be changed from ____ to ____ for the following reasons: ____ The person who copied my paper made a higher grade than I did. ____ The person whose paper…

  • Evils of Marjuana

    A certain college professor was notorious for getting off the topic of the lecture, and on to his favorite subject: the evils of marijuana. Off he went one day into his inventory of horrors. “Used regularly,” he explained, “Pot can cause psychic disorientation, sterility, cancer and castration!” “Now wait a minute, professor,” interrupted a student.…

  • How To Stop Mirror Kisses

    Betty was frustrated. She had complained dozens of times to her teen-age daughter about her newest gig of kissing the bathroom mirror just after applying her lipstick, but her persisted in doing it anyway. Finally, one day after spending a half hour scrubbing the mirror, only to find another kiss mark an hour later, Betty…

  • Fake Runaway Letter

    Joke about a mom reading a funny runaway letter by her daughter to hide a terrible secret.