Tag: kids

  • Nightly Prayer By Little Boy

    Nightly Prayer By Little Boy

    During his nightly prayer, a clairvoyant little boy could predict the future. One night while saying his nightly prayer, a little boy was heard to finish, “God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, God bless Grandma, goodbye Grandpa.” The next day his grandfather dropped dead of a heart attack. A few weeks later the little boy prayed,…

  • 7 Funny Things Kid Said to Adults

    7 Funny Things Kid Said to Adults

    POLICE OFFICER IN SCHOOL While taking a routine vandalism report at an elementary school, I was interrupted by a little boy about five years old. Looking up and down at my uniform, he asked, “Are you a cop?” “Yes,” I answered and continued writing the report. “My father said if I ever needed help I…

  • 12 Riddles For Your Fun and Amusement

    12 Riddles For Your Fun and Amusement

    List of funny classic riddles to amuse kids and adults, even if they groan at the answer. Q: What can run, but never walk? Has a mouth, but never talks? Has a head, but never cries? Has a bed, but never sleeps?A: A river. Q: The man who made it doesn’t want it. The man…

  • Boys As Peeping Toms

    Boys As Peeping Toms

    Little Sammy, Andy  and Tommy were coming home from school one warm spring day. As they were cutting through the alleys and backyards, they happened to look through a hole in the fence of one of the yards where a woman was sunbathing in the nude. As they looked through the hole, Andy suddenly started…

  • Little Girl As Fairy Godmother

    Little Girl As Fairy Godmother

    After watching the movie Cinderella, four-year-old Becky started using her pinwheel as a magic wand, pretending she was a fairy godmother. “Make three wishes,” she told her mom, “and I’ll grant them.” Her mom asked for world peace. Becky swung her wand and proclaimed the request fulfilled. Next, her mom wished for a cure for…

  • Answer to “How Was I Born?” Will Make You Laugh

    Answer to “How Was I Born?” Will Make You Laugh

    Danny asks his dad: “How was I born?” This question has been asked by children a countless number of times. What is the best way to answer this awkward question? Thinking of an appropriate answer has never been easy for a sensitive parent. This joke gives a funny answer for an internet-savvy father. The wise…