man and woman in office

Is Workplace Discrimination Real? Here’re examples.

Workplace discrimination by gender is taken for granted. The following is a list of examples that illustrate the phenomenon. THE FAMILY PICTURE IS ON HIS DESK: He must be a solid, responsible family man. THE FAMILY PICTURE IS ON HER DESK: She probably puts her family before her career. HIS DESK IS CLUTTERED: He’s obviously…

fly resting on top block of wood

Gender Of A Fly

Bill said, “Know what, Larry? I killed five flies yesterday, three males and two females.” “How could you tell them apart, Bill?” asked Larry. Bill answered, “That was easy. The three males were sitting on a case of beer and the two females were on the phone.”

3D photograph woman copying machine

Every Object Has A Gender

Copiers are Female: once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again. It’s an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can wreak havoc if the wrong buttons are pushed. Ziploc Bags are Male: they hold everything in, but you can see right through them. Sponges are Female: they’re soft, squeezable and…