26 Question Chocolate Trivia Quiz
Hersheys’ chocolate trivia quiz
Can you answer these questions about chocolate?
- Chocolate can kill what animal?
- Astronauts brought what treat to eat in 1982?
- Americans eat how much chocolate every second?
- Chocolate accounts for how much of the fat in an American diet?
- When was consuming chocolate a sin by the church?
- Does chocolate cause acne?
- When was Kit Kat made without milk?
- In what country is it common to pour chocolate milk or cafe au lait on cereal for breakfast?
- The initials “M&M’s” represent what?
- What year was the chocolate chip cookie invented?
- What country eats the most chocolate per person?
- Can eating chocolate help a person live longer?
- What chocolate package shape is protected by the law?
- Who was buried in a chocolate coffin?
- What bird should not chocolate, because it is deadly to them?
- What common appliance was invented because of what it did to chocolate?
- Medically what group of people are helped by eating chocolate?
- How important is chocolate to the almond industry?
- Who made the first chocolate bar available to the public?
- It was believed chocolate could cure what common aliment?
- Are having guilty feelings about chocolate bad for your body?
- The last thing Elvis Presley ate before he died was…?
- Who introduced Valentine’s Day box of chocolates?
- Which is the rarest chocolate bar in the world?
- What were the other flavors of the original “Three Musketeers” bar?
- In the movie “Psycho,” Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate syrup for what?