Answers To Observation Quiz

observation quiz answers

Observation Quiz Answers

  1. Bottom
  2. 50
  3. Right
  4. Blue, red, white, yellow, black, and gold
  5. Q, Z
  6. 1, 0
  7. Left
  8. 20
  9. Red
  10. 88
  11. Counter-clockwise (unless you happen to be south of the equator)
  12. Towards the bottom right
  13. (no #1)
  14. Right
  15. Top
  16. Clockwise, as you look at it
  17. Roosevelt
  18. 8
  19. Left
  20. 5
  21. 6
  22. Bashful
  23. 6
  24. Ace of spades
  25. Left
  26. ONE
  27. * and #
  28. 3
  29. Counter-clockwise
  30. Did you notice there were only 29?


30-28   Genius…Mensa is calling!

25-27   Not too shabby!

20-24   You could do better!

16-19   McDonald’s is calling!

15 or below   DAMN!!!



