Name The NFL Team

Fill in the names of  the professional American football team.

  1. ____________ American Forefathers
  2. ____________ Midnight Snackers
  3. ____________ Fundamental Laws
  4. ____________ Equine Goes Wild
  5. ____________ Stupid Sunbathers
  6. ____________ A Girl’s Toy & A Fish’s Arm
  7. ____________ Uncle’s Spouse In The Army
  8. ____________ Half Bovine – Half Man
  9. ____________ Henry’s First Compact
  10. ____________ Credit Card User
  11. ____________ Wise Sunbather
  12. ____________ Seven Squared
  13. ____________ Indians Leader
  14. ____________ King Of Beast
  15. ____________ $1.00 For Corn
  16. ____________ Peter And Paul
  17. ____________ Six Shooters
  18. ____________ Ewe’s Mate
  19. ____________ Tigers
  20. ____________ 747’s
  21. ____________ I.O.U.’s
  22. ____________ Marine Bird
  23. ____________ Lubricators
  24. ____________ Streakers
  25. ____________ Six Rulers
  26. ____________ Loaders
  27. ____________ Thieves
  28. ____________ U.S. Bird
  29. ____________ Female Jeans
  30. ____________ Statue Sitters
  31. _____________ Limey’s Car
  32. _____________ Snug Kleins

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